Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

A question came to mind while trying to absorb some of the reading– how does the Web 2.0 (basis for RSS, fPDAs, etc.) play a role in diffusion in the information and library environment ?

Needleman (2007, p. 203) sums it up pretty well:

  • Services should be available at the point of need and not the other way around. Library services should be embedded.
  • Data should be exposed, discovered, and manipulated in a variety of ways from the original reason the data came about.
  • Applications should make available a number of resources. These applications should have rapid deployment and responsive to the user’s needs.
  • We are facilitators for communication, community, and user participation. We need to be user centric.
  • Enrich data and expose hidden collections.

Needleman was speaking in generalities but it is most appropriate for the health care professions.


Needleman, M. (2007). Web 2.0/Lib 2.0 – what is it? Serials Review, 33, 202-203.

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